The Victors – Revelation 15


Pastor John Fredericksen



At the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the USA’s women’s gymnastics team won the all around gold medal. If you watched these games, you can close your eyes and still almost see Simone Biles and Aly Raisman doing summersaults and back flips. None of us should think that what these young women accomplished was easy. They sacrificed dates, going to prom, and endured many injuries. But they kept their focus on their goal of winning the gold medal. To reach this goal, they became examples of hard work, drive, dedication, and commitment. As a result, they can now joyously wear their gold medal as the victors in their sport.

Revelation 15 is a scene of victors in the spiritual arena from the seven years of Tribulation. They are described as, “them that had gotten victory over the beast [the Anti-Christ], and over his image, and over his mark” (vs. 2). The means of their victory was described in Revelation 12:11. Their power will come through the blood of the Lamb, the Word of God, and a perspective that faithfulness to Christ was more important than their earthly life. Their victory is not one apparent to those who will persecute them for their faith in Christ, for many will be martyred, but they are triumphant nonetheless. These victors sing two songs. One is “the song of Moses” (Revelation 15:3), which was a song of victory sung by Israel. As recorded in Deuteronomy 31:22-30, it looked back to their deliverance from Egypt and forward to “latter days” of the Millennial Kingdom with exultation for the salvation and power of Jehovah. Revelation 15:4 confirms these victorious tribulation saints are likewise singing of God’s holiness and coming kingdom. The second song is “the song of the Lamb” (Revelation 15:3), where the Lord Jesus Christ is praised for His greatness, truth, reign as their King, and His wonderful salvation is also implied.

This information is included in the record of Revelation to be an encouragement for any who go through the Tribulation. It confirms that anyone can be victorious, regardless of his circumstance. In principle, the same is true for us today. While it won’t be easy and will require commitment and endurance through our trying circumstances, we too can be victorious. Keep your focus on the “prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus.” Maintain a dedicated commitment to Christ and His Word with other saints. Remember to also frequently sing praises to God for His salvation and coming victory over the world.