How Faith Grows – Romans 10:17


Pastor John Fredericksen



We had a loved one who, for decades, resisted saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Several family members made a point of sharing the gospel with her throughout the years. On more than one occasion, she responded by saying, “I wish I could have faith like you do, but I just don’t.” We prayed often for her salvation and looked for opportunities to lead her to Christ. Thankfully, toward the end of her life, she made a profession of faith.

We learn from Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God. This begs a question: “How can faith grow in one who does not have faith?” There are actually two different kinds of faith needed by every individual. The first is saving faith in the Lord Jesus, trusting in His death, burial, and resurrection alone as one’s only hope for forgiveness and eternal life. The second is a walk of faith, believing and trusting the Lord every day after salvation. In both instances, there is a way for faith to grow even within someone who resists a faith that will please God. The Apostle Paul tells us, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). The more exposure one has to the Scriptures, the more likely it is for faith to grow within. God’s Word is powerful and pierces through pride, fear, and resistance. God’s Word plants the seed of faith in all who are exposed to it, waters that seed so it may grow, and washes resistant thinking away. It is for these reasons that, when we witness to a lost soul, the most important thing for us to share is God’s Word. God uses it more than our reasoning or our testimony. So use the Scriptures generously when dealing with one who needs salvation. The same principle is true for the believer who needs to grow in faith in their daily walk. God’s Word renews and transforms the mind. Hearing or reading the Scripture reveals God’s will and awakens a desire to obey. Through the internal working of the Holy Spirit, His Word empowers the believer to walk by faith in obedience. It may seem like an overly simplistic principle, but it is true nonetheless.

Believer, you already have saving faith. If you are struggling in some area of your daily walk, faithfully expose your mind and soul to more of God’s Word, particularly those passages dealing with your area of need. It works!