Members of His Flesh – Ephesians 5:30
Pastor John Fredericksen
On September 25th, 2016, golfer Arnold Palmer passed away. Reaction poured in from those who knew him personally, and from those who admired him from a distance. It is generally accepted that Palmer did more to popularize the sport of golf than anyone else in history. Someone said, “He’s the defining figure in golf.” His identity was so intertwined with golf that one could scarcely think of the game without also thinking of Arnold Palmer.
On a much higher and nobler plain, all who have trusted in the finished work of Christ alone for eternal life have become indelibly linked with the Savior. The Apostle Paul described it this way: “For we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones” (Ephesians 5:30). Becoming spiritually part of His flesh and bones speaks to several things. It is associated with our forgiveness of sins. When God the Father see us now, even in our present imperfections, He sees only His Son and our righteous standing in Christ. Second Corinthians 5:21 explains, we have been “…made the righteousness of God in Him.” Our spiritual union with the flesh and bones of Christ is associated with our eternal security. None us can hardly imagine losing an eye, a leg, an arm, fingers, or an ear. We might say, “I’m attached to those things and plan to keep them.” Similarly, our connection with the Lord Jesus Christ is so purely close and intimate that He will not sever us from His body. He is attached to us and we to Him in an eternal oneness. Thank God nothing can separate us from Him. No matter what we say, do, think or even if we neglect Christ, we are still part of Him. Being members of His flesh and bones implies a close identification. It’s like a child being adopted into a family. That child is given a home, love, daily provisions, security, and a name that completely identifies him with the ones who gave him so much. Christians were given these many things in the spiritual realm because we are so closely identified with Christ. There is no closer, purer, or more valuable relationship than the connection that Christians have with their Savior.
Beyond rejoicing in this truth, there is a practical application to remember. Wherever we go, and whatever we do, Christ is with us always. Therefore, we must purpose today to abstain from sinful behavior and walk worthy of Him.